Biographical Sketch
Gladys E. Edmunds
President, Gladys E. Edmunds Programs
More than forty years ago, Gladys Edmunds was a sixteen-year-old single mother faced with the challenges of earning a living to support herself and her child. A series of door-to-door selling ventures paved the way for what was to become her lifelong calling. Determined to succeed, Gladys launched her own travel company from a card table in her living room and owned her travel company for more than 35 years. She sold Edmunds Travel Consultants January 2000
Gladys has made a commitment to sharing her success and philosophy with other entrepreneurs and professionals. She travels the country as a public speaker, addressing conferences, conventions, corporate clients and other interested groups. Convinced that anyone can draw from the strength and creativity that's already within them, Gladys enthusiastically encourages others to do what she did - start and succeed in their lives.
Viking/Penguin published her book "There's No Business Like Your Own Business". The book is designed to help entrepreneurs and professionals master six steps to holistic living that leads to success. In the book Gladys recounts the experiences she encountered in her quest for economic independence and the lessons learned from them.
She currently is the owner of Gladys Edmunds Entrepreneurial Programs, a business development consulting company designed to help entrepreneurs reach success.
Each week, thousands of reader enjoy her inspirational, motivational and informational USA Today column, The Entrepreneurial Tightrope.
Gladys' achievements have been honored with many accolades both national and local including the national coveted Avon Woman of Enterprise Award. She was also recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Commerce as one of the Top 25 Women-Owned Businesses in Pennsylvania. She is the recipient of Carlow College's Woman of Spirit Award. Her name was added to the Pennsylvania Honor Roll of Distinguished Women and WPTT television and Magee Women's Hospital honored her for Women's History Month.
Despite a busy schedule, Gladys still finds time to remain actively involved in numerous community activities. Some of her current and past involvements are:
Board member of Magee Hospital Foundation
Board member of Project Sunshine in New York
Advisory Board of the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council
Board member of Port Authority Transit of Allegheny County
Founding board member of the "I Have a Dream" Foundation
Member of Brain Trust Committee for the Enterprise Corporation
Appointed by former Governor Tom Ridge as a delegate for the White House Conference on Small Business
Appointed by former Gov. Tom Ridge as delegate for White House Conference on Travel and Tourism
Appointed Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Television Network by former Gov. Tom Ridge
Committee member of Money Magazine Small Business Roundtable
Advisory board of the Ellis Private Girls School
When she finally does slow down, Gladys relaxes by studying philosophy. listening to music, and writing both fiction and nonfiction. She also enjoys walking and hiking. Her daughter Sharon Jackson has made Gladys the grandmother to two beautiful granddaughters.
Featured Appearances
Gladys' success has been featured on the following programs.
The Oprah Winfrey Show
ABC-TV-Good Morning America
The Susan Powter TV Show
The Virginia Graham syndicated Radio Show
CNN-TV Business Unusual
Money Magazine's Money Guide
Good Housekeeping Magazine
Entrepreneur Magazine
Woman Now Magazine
Upscale Magazine
Ebony Magazine
Career Focus Magazine
Hair Tress Magazine
National Enquirer
Philadelphia Tribune
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Boston Globe
Keynote Speaker
She has also served as keynote speaker, commencement speaker or seminar leader for many enthusiastic audiences, among which have been:
Mellon National Bank - Seattle
Mellon National Bank - Philadelphia
Mellon National Bank - Boston
Mellon National Bank - Florida
National Association of Women Business Owners - Mid-Atlantic Region
National Association of Women Business Owners - Hampton, VA
YWCA - Boston
Ohio State University - Women's Conference
PA. Dept of Commerce
Woman Power Conference - Pittsburgh
Erie Minority Trade Fair
Roselia School Commencement Address
Minnesota State Women's Conference
Allegheny Policy Council Conference
Carlow College
Ellis Girls School
Women In Transportation Conference
The Enterprise Corporation
YWCA - Pittsburgh
YWCA - Boston
Clemson University
Carnegie Library
Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development
University of Wisconsin
First Union Bank
Suburban Hotels of America Annual Convention
Rockville Chamber of Commerce
PNC Bank - Erie
National Women's Network Association of California
NAWBO ' Washington/Delaware/Richmond
The Sage Corporation
Wells Fargo
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